Many scientific studies in European and North American countries have focused great attention on the landscape and recreational characteristics of recreational and health-improving forests and their ecosystem services. In Ukraine, many studies have also been devoted to research on such forests. However, these studies were mainly aimed at assessing their potential to provide social services while insufficient attention has been paid to the mensuration variables and productivity analysis. Therefore, it is urgent to study the mensuration characteristics of pine stands in recreational and health-improving forests in different natural zones within the country. The present study aimed to identify the features of distribution, mensuration indicators, and productivity of pine stands in recreational and health-improving forests in the Left-Bank Ukraine depending on their functional purpose.
Materials and Methods
Mensuration characteristics of pine stands of recreational and health-improving forests in Left-Bank Ukraine were analyzed based on the data from the Forest Fund of Ukraine database of the Ukrderzhlisproekt Production Association (as of 2017). Studied forest plots are governed by the State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine and are located in the Left-Bank Polissia, Left-Bank Forest-Steppe, and Left-Bank Steppe. The study covered forests within 11 administrative regions of Ukraine.
The total area of pine stands of recreation and health-improving forests in the Left-Bank Ukraine is 196.6 thousand ha. By area and stock, planted stands predominate with 89.3% and 87.8%, respectively. The largest proportion of planted pine stands is 93.8% with 319 m3·ha-1 stock recorded in the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe. Their smallest proportion of 75.5% with a stock of 325 m3· ha-1 was found in the Left-Bank Polissia. By location, the largest part of pine stands (57.5% of the total area) is concentrated within the forestry part of green zone forests, and the smallest one (2.5%) is within the boundaries of cities, towns, and other settlements. The highest productivity (294 m3·ha-1) was recorded for the pine stands within forest areas of green zones around settlements (forest park part). Almost half of the area of pine stands (49.7%) is in fresh oak-pine forest condition. Both in terms of area (65.2 %) and stock (73.9 %), middle-aged stands significantly prevail. Stands grow mainly by the 1st (44.0%) and 2nd (25.8%) site classes. Their relative density of stocking was 0.8 and 0.7, accounting for 72.1% of the total area.
In the recreation and health-improving forests in the Left Bank of Ukraine, a significant predominance of pine stands was noted within the green zones around the settlements. Their proportion was 88.1% of the total area. In terms of area and stock, planted stands significantly dominate, accounting for 89% and 88% respectively, so measures are needed to increase the proportion of forests of natural origin. Middle-aged stands significantly prevail in the region. The conditions in the Left-Bank Ukraine are generally favorable for the successful growth and development of pine forests and the effective performance of their recreational and health-improving functions. Evidence of this is the significant predominance of pine stands with a relative density of stocking of 0.7–0.8 and I and II site classes. The relative density of stocking of the studied pine stands in the region decreases after they reach 80 years of age, regardless of their location.
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