Regeneration felling is aimed at renewing protective, water conserving and other useful properties of forests, as well as at preserving biodiversity, maintaining and forming stands with a complex species, layer and age structures. They correspond to the principles of close to nature forestry. As a result of such felling, valuable natural oak stands were formed at stationary experimental sites. However, the technological features of the felling have not yet been sufficiently worked out.
The aim of the study was to work out the methods and technologies for transforming vegetative oak stands excluded from the principal use, by means of regeneration felling using even gradual, group-gradual and strip-gradual methods in combination with tending felling, with a focus on the natural stand regeneration.
Materials and Methods
The experiment was established by a group of researchers headed by Professor Viktor Tkach in the forest-park part in the green zones around settlements. The experiment consisted of six variants, each of which covered an area of 1.0 ha. Three experimental variants were aimed at the natural regeneration of oak stands. The other three variants of the experiment were focused on the artificial regeneration of oak stands. The felling was accompanied by a set of measures aimed at promoting natural regeneration of stands.
The studies were carried out according to the generally accepted methods in forestry and forest mensuration in accordance with the requirements for laying out sample plots. Accounting and evaluation of the seedlings, as well as the species in the natural young stands, were carried out on the accounting circular plots by means of the methodology developed by the URIFFM researchers. During the assessment, the amount of oak in the composition of natural regeneration was taken into account, as well as its occurrence, which is determined by the proportion of the number of plots with its presence in the total number of established accounting plots. The obtained data were processed by methods of mathematical statistics using the MS Excel programme package.
Various forms of regeneration felling, along with the measures for promoting natural regeneration, made it possible to develop young oak stands of seed origin in the place of a weakened vegetative oak forest. In all variants, a canopy closure occurred quite quickly, by the fifth or sixth year.
The largest number of regenerated seedlings of economically valuable species was registered in the variant where regeneration felling was carried out as an even gradual cutting in two steps. The smaller number was recorded on the variant where regeneration felling was carried out in a strip-gradual way. The number of seedlings was the lowest in the variant with group-gradual regeneration felling, in particular in the “regeneration window” with an area of 250 m2.
Based on a set of characteristics, regeneration felling carried out in a strip-gradual manner turned out to be the most appropriate. The technological features of the felling in this way are simpler compared to other methods. At that, the forest environment is minimally disturbed on the site, optimal conditions are created for the natural forest regeneration, and higher preservation of plants is ensured during the next felling.
Regeneration felling can be used to transform weakened vegetative oak stands into resilient mixed oak stands of natural seed origin. The felling is carried out in various ways in combination with measures promoting natural regeneration and with the obligatory consideration of the oak fruiting periodicity.
The strip-gradual method of reforestation felling with 25 m wide felled strips turned out to be the most appropriate. By carrying out such felling according to the proposed technology, successful natural regeneration of oak and other economically valuable species can be achieved.
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