The success of reforestation and afforestation largely depends on the type and quality of planting stock. In recent years, there has been a tendency to increase the volume of containerized planting stock including English oak (Quercus robur L.).
Among the measures aimed at intensifying the cultivation of container oak seedlings, one of the most important techniques is the targeted regulation of nutrition and production processes when cultivating seedlings through a systematic application of fertilizers.
The aim of the research was to assess the effectiveness of various multi-nutrient fertilizers applied when cultivating containerized English oak seedlings in open ground in Kharkiv Forest Research Station, Ukraine.
Materials and Methods
The research on the effectiveness of the influence of multi-nutrient fertilizers on the growth, condition and mass of containerized English oak seedlings was conducted in 2021 in open ground at the greenhouse and nursery department of the Selection and Seed Complex of the Pivdenne Forestry in Kharkiv Forest Research Station.
During the growing season, the seedlings were treated three times with fertilizers by spraying or watering. In total, ten experimental variants with different concentrations of fertilizers were laid. In the control variant, English oak seedlings grown in containers were not treated with fertilizers.
The effectiveness of fertilizer application during the cultivation of one-year-old English oak seedlings was evaluated by plant biometric indicators, mass and health condition.
The results of the research show that the plant biometric indicators of one-year-old seedlings have significantly increased in those variants where their roots (by watering) and foliage (by spraying) were treated with multi-nutrient fertilizers.
The difference between the experimental variants and the control made 8–26% (0.3–1.0 mm) by diameter and 1–43% (0.3–13.6 cm) by height.
The average condition index of seedlings was 2.9 in the control and 1.6–3.1 points in the experimental variants.
The total mass of seedlings was 6.6–20.4 g.
The largest mass of the aboveground part of the oak seedlings was determined in the Partner Complete variant, where it made 5.1 g and exceeded the control by 102%; the lowest mass was registered in the Leanum (5%) variant, where it made 2.3 g, and it was inferior to the control by 8%.
The largest mass of the root part of the seedlings was also found in the Partner Complete variant; it made there 15.3 g and exceeded the control indicator by 270%. The lowest mass was recorded in the Rokohumin variant, where it made 4.6 g (12%).
The findings indicate the feasibility of using the proposed fertilizers to intensify growth when cultivating containerized English oak seedlings and the subsequent use of those seedlings in reforestation and afforestation.
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