Specifying the method for establishing forest plantations (for example, planting seedlings, saplings, cuttings, or sowing seeds) and the planting material type (containerized or bare-root seedlings) that would be optimal for the certain site conditions, largely determines the success of man-made forest regeneration.
The planted stands in the study region (Vinnytsia and Khmelnytskyi administrative regions in Ukraine) differ in establishment and cultivation technologies. It was found that growth features of forest plantations of the main forest-forming species, established with containerized and bare-root seedlings, were not investigated in the region, which makes the presented study relevant.
The study aimed to compare the growth characteristics and survivability of one- and four-year-old English oak and Scots pine forest plantations established by planting one-year-old containerized and bare-root seedlings in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe in Ukraine.
Materials and Methods
Growth characteristics such as height, height increment, and root collar diameter of Scots pine and English oak seedlings in one- and four-year-old forest plantations established with different types of planting material as well as their survival rate were determined in September 2023. The study plots are situated in the branches Vinnytsia Forestry (Vinnytsia Region) and Slavutske Forestry (Khmelnytskyi Region) of the State Specialized Forest Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine” (Podilskyi Forestry Office). Forest plantations of English oak were established by planting one-year-old containerized seedlings grown in polystyrene cassette containers with a cell volume of 530 cm3 (Containerized oak treatment 1) and in plastic cassette containers with a cell volume of 265 cm3 (Containerized oak treatment 2) and by planting one-year-old bare-root seedlings grown in a greenhouse with irrigation (Bare-root oak treatment). Scots pine forest plantations were established by planting one-year-old containerized seedlings grown in plastic cassette containers with a cell volume of 120 cm3 (Containerized pine treatment) and by planting bare-root seedlings grown in a greenhouse with irrigation (Bare-root pine treatment).
The seedling survival rate in the first year of growth was evaluated as a ratio of viable plants at their registration to the initial number of planted seedlings, expressed as a percentage. The obtained data were processed by mathematical statistics using the MS Excel program package. The variability levels were assessed according to the scale of S. O. Mamaev.
One-year-old English oak forest plantations established with containerized and bare-root seedlings (fresh relatively fertile forest site type). The height, height increment, and diameter of the oaks were the largest in the Containerized oak treatment 1 and were 34.4 ± 1.55 cm, 16.3 ± 1.04 cm and 5.4 ± 0.24 mm, respectively. The values in the Containerized oak treatment 2 were lower by 1%, 18% and 2%, respectively, and in the Bare-root oak treatment by 13%, 34% and 39%.
The survival rate for oaks in one-year-old forest plantations established with containerized seedlings was higher (85% and 93%) than in plantations established with bare-root seedlings (71%).
One-year-old Scots pine forest plantations established with containerized and bare-root seedlings (fresh relatively fertile forest forest site type). Height, height increment, and diameter of pines were greater in the Containerized pine treatment and were 22.1 ± 0.51 cm, 9.2 ± 0.39 cm, and 5.3 ± 0.19 mm, respectively. In the Bare-root pine treatment, the variables were lower by 18%, 17%, and 26%, respectively.
The survival rate of pine plants in one-year-old plantations established with containerized seedlings was also higher (93%) than in plantations created with bare-root seedlings (86%).
Four-year-old Scots pine forest plantations established with containerized and bare-root seedlings (moist relatively infertile forest site type). The height and height increment of the pines were greater in the Containerized pine treatment and were 122.3 ± 4.17 cm and 34.8 ± 1.63 cm, respectively. In the Bare-root pine treatment, the variables were lower by 6% and 7%, respectively. On the contrary, the root collar diameter was 7% greater in the Bare-root pine treatment than in the Containerized pine treatment.
Significant differences were absent between average height, height increment, and root collar diameter in the Containerized pine and Bare-root pine treatments.
Four-year-old Scots pine forest plantations established with containerized and bare-root seedlings (fresh relatively fertile forest site type). Height, height increment, and root collar diameter of Scots pines were greater in the plantations established with containerized seedlings and were 128.5 ± 5.52 cm, 40.5 ± 1.45 cm, and 32.2 ± 1.62 mm, respectively. In the plantations created by bare-root seedlings, the values were lower by 11%, 21%, and 21%, respectively.
A statistically significant difference in height, height increment, and root collar diameter was found between Containerized pine and Bare-root pine treatments.
Conclusions. The use of containerized seedlings is quite effective from a silvicultural point of view. For example, the better growth intensity of containerized seedlings and the high survival rate of plants in the forest area allow for a decrease in the initial density of the plantations by 12–30%.
The results obtained in the study should be used when developing guidelines for creating forest plantations in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe in Ukraine.
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