Natural regeneration of oak forests is one of the most important issues in forestry. Identifying the features of the appearance and successful further growth of advance seedlings, analysis of their quantitative and qualitative condition will contribute to the development of appropriate measures for seed reproduction of highly productive, biologically stable natural oak stands, forecasting their further development and preservation of genetic potential.
The research aims to evaluate the quantitative characteristics of advance growth of valuable species, their distribution by height and age groups, and the placement pattern on the plots of 1–3-year-old open-grown oak stands for its further use during the regeneration of oak forests by natural or combined (in combination with man-made) ways.
Materials and Methods
The natural regeneration (advance growth) of valuable species was assessed for the autumn period of 2018–2020 on sample plots laid out in 1–3-year-old open-grown oak stands in Trostyanets Forestry, Okhtyrka Forestry and Krasnopillia Forestry branches of the State Specialized Forest Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine”, territorially located in the forest-steppe part of Sumy region.
For the assessment, circular subplots (10 m2 each) were laid out on diagonal lines through cutting sites. On each plot, 30 subplots were laid out. The seedlings of valuable species were counted by species, age groups, and height groups.
The success of natural regeneration was evaluated according to the scale developed in URIFFM. During the assessment, the number of seedlings was compared in terms of age, height groups, and abundance. Fructification success was estimated quantitatively in points according to Kapper’s scale. Data samples were processed by the methods of variation statistics using the Microsoft Excel software package.
The studied oak stands 1–2 years before felling (in 2016 and 2017) had very poor and poor oak fructification (1 and 2 points, respectively, by the Kapper’s scale). This greatly affected the available natural regeneration of the English oak.
Six tree species were found in the advance growth composition: English oak, common ash, Norway maple, field maple, small-leaved lime, and Scots elm. The number of natural regeneration of English oak was 0.2–1.2 thousand stems?ha-1, and its proportion in the composition of the regeneration was 2–9% of the total number; Common ash amounted to 0.5–6.0 thousand stems?ha-1 (7–40%), Norway maple – 1.1–5.5 thousand stems?ha-1 (26–61%), field maple – 0.7–3.2 thousand stems?ha-1 (7–42%), small-leaved lime – 0.1–0.9 thousand stems?ha-1 (1–6%), and Scots elm – 0.5–1.5 thousand stems?ha-1 (4–32 %). A greater number of oak seedlings was registered in the plots where the proportion of oak in the composition of a mother stand was 70–80% and ash – 20–30%. Regeneration success according to the scale developed in URIFFM in all plots of open-grown stands aged 1–3 years was assessed as “poor”.
Both the identified features of the distribution of advance growth of valuable species by height and age groups and their placement pattern should be taken into account in the future when choosing a method of oak forest regeneration.
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