Recently, various types of fertilizers and microbial preparations have been used as growth intensifiers for the planting stock of the main forest-forming species, including English oak (Quercus robur L.). However, there is almost no data on the growth characteristics of forest plantations established with containerized seedlings that have been fertilized with various fertilizers during cultivation and microbial preparations.
The study aimed to compare mensuration characteristics of English oak in experimental plantations established with containerized seedlings, grown with the use of different types of fertilizers and microbial preparations, as well as to confirm the possibility of establishing oak forest plantations in the summer using container seedlings.
Materials and Methods
To confirm the possibility of significantly extending the spring planting period for containerized oak seedlings, including the summer period, experimental plantations were established in 2014. The study site is situated in the Derhachy Forestry in Kharkiv Forest Research Station, Kharkiv region. The oak plantations were established on an area of 3.0 hectares in spring (March 25), summer (July 10 and August 19), and autumn (October 30). To lay out the plantations, the containerized seedlings that have been fertilized with various fertilizers and biological products during cultivation were used.
Mensuration characteristics of oak seedlings in the experimental plantations have been estimated and analyzed according to the generally accepted forestry and forest mensuration methods following some regulatory materials.
The oak plants had a higher survival rate in all experimental treatments compared to the control. For example, the oak survival rate was from 87% to 93% in the experimental treatments and 78% in the control. English oak trees in the 5-year-old plantations established with containerized seedlings in summer (July 10 and August 19) and autumn (October 30) were significantly inferior to the plantations created in spring (March 25) in terms of growth characteristics.
The plantations created in autumn (October 30) and fertilized with different types of fertilizers were superior to the plantations established with containerized seedlings without fertilization in all characteristics. The difference was 1–16% in diameter, 0–22% in height, and 1–48% in height increment.
The coefficients of variation in diameter and height ranged from 17% to 24%, indicating an average and increased variability of the studied variables. The coefficients of variation in height increment ranged from 26% to 38%, demonstrating increased and high variability. In general, significant variability in growth is characteristic of young stands.
English oak trees in most treatments of 5-year-old experimental plantations created in summer were inferior in growth to the treatments established in spring with seedlings grown in the previous year. However, oak trees in the plantations established in the summer exceeded in growth almost all plantation treatments established in the autumn by seedlings grown in the planting year.
Our results indicate the possibility of significantly extending the terms of spring planting of oak plantations with containerized planting stock and even creating plantations in the summer, provided it is treated with antitranspirants.
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