For Authors


The process of manuscripts revision as well of publication is free of charge.

Original, previously unpublished articles with scientific and technical contributions are expected. The text of the article should not exceed 10 printed pages of the A4 size of standard typescript (including tables, figures, and reference list). The authors would aim to submit their work as concisely as possible and longer papers will be accepted under exceptional circumstances.

The article languages are Ukrainian and English.

The electronic version of the article should be sent to: or


The main body of the article should follow the general rules of scientific writing and be adequately structured. The text of the article should include Title, Author(s) name(s), E-mail addresses, Authors’ Affiliations, Abstract, Key words, Introduction including Aim of the study, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements (if necessary), References.

Submission files must be in Microsoft Word or RTF file format. Use Normal style settings only.

In the top-left corner, UDC (10 pt.) should be indicated. INITIALS AND LAST NAME of the AUTHORS in capitals (12 pt, italic) should be centered followed by the NAME of the ARTICLE in capitals (12 pt, bold, centered). Below indicate (in italic) the authors’ affiliation(s) and address (e-mail). If authors work in different institutions, after every last name, put an index in accordance with that placed at the names of the institutions.

The text of an Abstract (10 pt font size) should not exceed 150 words. The abstract should describe the most important aspects of the study. Problems, objectives, methods employed and main results should be stated. Figures, tables, undefined abbreviations, equations and references should be avoided in the abstract.

The manuscript should be 1.0 spaced, leaving 2.0 cm margins on the left and right and 2.1 cm on top and bottom. The paper size is A4. Times New Roman font and 12 pt font size are the most preferable. The text of paragraphs must be justified; the first line indent is 0.8 cm.

Latin names of genera and species should be italicized. The first mention of any organism must include the full scientific name with the author but thereafter the author can be omitted and the generic name abbreviated.


Tables and figures should be arranged into the appropriate positions in the text, preferably after the first reference. They should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals according to their sequence in the text.

All Tables should be referred to in the text. Each table should have a title which will make the meaning clear without reference to the text. Large tables, of landscape orientation especially, should be avoided. If numerous data are to be presented, an attempt should be made to divide them in two or more tables. Tables must be in editable form. Use Word table template for tables only. Please do not duplicate the information in tables describe elsewhere in the manuscript. Identify previously published material by giving the original source in the form of a reference citation at the end of figure caption. All abbreviations, symbols, etc. must be explained in a brief footnote that accompanies the table.

Figures should be prepared exclusively with black-and-white or grey-scale settings. Graphs should be made preferably by using their initial format as Excel. All figures should be cited in the text (e.g. Fig. 1). All images must be supplied in at 300 dpi (print resolution). Every figure should have a clear caption that can be understood with minimal reference to the main text. Be sure to explain all of the important features in the figure in the caption. In addition, the caption should contain the following: one sentence title; definitions for abbreviations in the caption and on the figure; attribution if the figure is adapted or reprinted from another publication. Please provide a scale bar (if appropriate). Supply captions below the main body of the figure. The caption must be separated, not attached to the object. Submit figures as separate JPG files also. If the figures are to be reduced in size, the legend should be big enough to make them readable after minimizing. All legends and other information added to the graphs, maps, photographs and artworks must be in editable form. Please do not duplicate the information in figures describe elsewhere in the manuscript.


References in the main text, tables and figures should indicate the author's surname with the year of publication in brackets (e.g. (Meshkova et al. 2002)) and are listed at the end of the main text in alphabetical order, not numbered. Automatic references are forbidden.

References in original languages should be transliterated using BGN/PCGN Romanization system; translation into English should also be added in square brackets as well as the information about the origin of language at the end of the title (In Russian).



Hrom, M.M. (2007). Forest mensuration. 2nd edn. Lviv: RVV NLTU. [Гром М. М. Лісова таксація] (in Ukrainian).

Book chapter

Davydenko, K. and Meshkova, V. (2017). ‘The current situation concerning severity and causes of ash dieback in Ukraine caused by Hymenoscyphus fraxineus’ in Vasaitis, R. and Enderle, R. (eds.) Dieback of European Ash (Fraxinus spp.): Consequences and Guidelines for Sustainable Management. Uppsala: SLU Service/Repro, pp. 220–227. ISBN 978-91-576-8696-1

Book with editor

Didukh, Ya.P. (ed.) (2009). Red Book of Ukraine. Plant World. Kyiv: Global consulting. [Дідух Я. П. Червона книга України. Рослинний світ] (in Ukrainian).

Book without editor

Monitoring and increasing the resilience of man-made forests. (2011). Kharkiv: Nove slovo. [Моніторинг і підвищення стійкості штучних лісів] (in Ukrainian).

Journal article:

Danylenko, O.M., Yushchyk, V.S., Rumiantsev, M.Н. and Mostepaniuk, A.A. (2021). ‘Some features of the growth and condition of pine plantations created by different planting material’, Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 31(1), pp. 26–29. [Даниленко, О. М., Ющик, В. С., Румянцев, М. Г., Мостепанюк, А. А. Особливості росту та стану соснових культур, створених різним садивним матеріалом, у Південно-східному лісостепу України] (in Ukrainian).

Los, S. A., Tereshchenko, L. I., Shlonchak, H. A., Samoday, V. P. and Neyko, I. S. (2015). ‘Results of pine and oak plus trees selection in the plains of Ukraine and in Crimea in 2010–2014’, Forestry and Forest Melioration [Лісівництво і агролісомеліорація], 126, pp. 139–147. [Лось С. А., Терещенко Л. І., Шлончак Г. А., Самодай В. П., Нейко І. С. Результати відбору плюсових дерев сосни і дуба в рівнинній частині України та Криму у 2010–2014 рр.] (in Ukrainian).

Edited symposia, special issues:

Slobodyan, P.Ya. (2013). ‘Classification of trees in stands for forest protection needs. In: Forestry Education and Science: History, current State and Development Prospects. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference [Лісівнича освіта і наука: історія, сучасний стан та перспективи розвитку: матеріали міжнародної науков-практ. конф.]. Kharkiv: KhNAU, pp. 155–158. [Слободян П. Я. Класифікація дерев у лісостані для потреб лісозахисту] (in Ukrainian).

Millers, M. and Magaznieks, J. (2012). ‘Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L .) stem wood and bark moisture and density influencing factors’, in Research for Rural Development. International Scientific Conference. Jelgava: LLU, Vol. 2, pp. 91–98.

PhD theses

Sydorenko, S.G. 2017. Postpyrogenic growth of Scots pine stands in the Left-bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine. PhD thesis. Kharkiv: URIFFM. [Сидоренко С. Г. Постпірогенний розвиток сосняків Лівобережного Лісостепу України. Дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. с.-г. наук] (in Ukrainian).

Extended abstract of PhD thesis

Bobrov, I.O. (2016). Spread and injuriousness of pine bark bug in the stands of Novgorod-Siverske Polissya. Extended abstract of PhD thesis. Kharkiv: URIFFM. [Бобров І. О. Поширеність і шкідливість соснового підкорового клопа в насадженнях Новгород-Сіверського Полісся. Автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. с.-г. наук] (in Ukrainian).

State Standard

Forest inventory sample plots. Establishing method. Corporate standard 02.02-37-476:2006. (2007). Valid from May 1, 2007. Kyiv: Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine. [Площі пробні лісовпорядні. Метод закладання. СОУ 02.02-37-476:2006] (in Ukrainian).

Electronic resources

Zepner, L., Karrasch, P., Wiemann, F. and Bernard, L. (2020). ‘ – an interactive climate analysis web platform’, International Journal of Digital Earth, 14(3), pp. 338–356. Available at: (Accessed: 13 March 2023).

Google (2019). Google terms of service. Available at: (Accessed: 27 January 2020).

UNECE (2023). The European Forest Sector Outlook Study II (2010-2030). Available at: (Accessed: 05 January 2023).

Sanitary Forests Regulations in Ukraine. (2016). Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No 756 dated 26 October 2016. Available at:п (Accessed: 30 April 2023) [Санітарні правила в лісах України. Постанова Кабінету міністрів України від 26 жовтня 2016 р. № 756] (in Ukrainian).

Example of Acknowledgments section:

Acknowledgments. The authors would like to thank the researchers of the Laboratory … and the anonymous reviewers for their valuable advice, useful and constructive recommendations and text revision.

Example of Funding sources section:

Funding sources. The paper was prepared by the authors in the framework of a research plan of URIFFM (grants 0115U001201, 0115U001203), which was supported by the State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine.


As a separate file (*.doc or *.docx file format), a SUMMARY of the article should be submitted (2700–3000 characters). The Summary should be adequately structured and should include: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions, Key words. The Summary will not be published in a hard copy but is necessary for the journal’s website.