The reviewer of the article that can be printed in "Forestryand Forest Melioration" must pay attention to following aspects.
- The title of the article - does it represent the content and aim of the article or unique enough (with a specification of the region, site conditions, etc.) and laconic enough?
- Does the theme meet the scientific profile of the Journal?
- Is the theme actual, if it contains a novelty and practical importance?
- Summary - does it meet the content and conclusions? Does it have a sufficient volume (50-70 words)?
- Summary in English, which will be placed on the website, should contain 100-250 words and be structured as follows: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions.
- Keywords must be compliant withthe article (up to 5 words or wordcombinations). They should not repeat the title of the study.
- In the Introduction, a present state of the issue should be given. It should be indicatedwhat is not studied or studied not enough, whatarethe contradictory data. At the end of the introduction, the main aim of the study must be mentioned.
- Materials and Methods must provide information enough to permit exact replication of the research. The methods should be described in details: location of sample plots, type and amount of material,measured or evaluated characteristics, time and number of measurements, methods and instruments/equipment used in measurements, methods of analysis/estimates, statistical methods and software used.
- Results and Discussion. Are the research results presented correctly? Are thetables and the graphs built correctly? Are there all tables and figures referred to in the text? Pay attention to the rounding-off accuracy of numbers in the graphs and tables,and to the presence of explanations of symbols in notes. Are there presented an analysis of the obtained data as well as the comparisons with the similar publications from other regions? Please, give possible proposals if necessary.
- Do the Conclusions fully and correctly illustrate the results of research, whether they derive from the results? Is it provided suggestions for future research?
- Can or will some parts of the article be brief, withdrawn, extended, and redone? Are there recommendations in terms of style and language?
- References. Is the amount of literary sources and expediency of references satisfactory? Are References designed in alphabetical order and according to modern requirements?Are there references on all sources listedin the text?
- Recommendation:
a. may be published without changes
b. may be published after insignificant changes
c. may be published after considerable changes
d. must be declined
Additional ideas, remarks,and recommendations of the reviewer:
Signature of the reviewer