In the forest fund of the State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine, elm (Ulmus sp.) forests occupy less than 0.1 %. In different countries, elms are part of the forest and protective stands and are also widely used in landscaping settlements.
In the forests of Ukraine, the occurrence of elm species in relation to their resistance to various natural and anthropogenic factors has been little studied. Taking into account the increased mortality of English oak (Quercus robur L.) and common ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) in many regions and the high ecological value of Ulmus sp., it is necessary to assess their current distribution in the forest fund of individual regions and their sustainability.
The aim of the research was to assess the features of the elm stands distribution in the forest fund of three Regional Forest and Hunting Management Administrations (RFHMA) in the east of Ukraine.
Materials and Methods
The “Ukrderzhlisproekt” Ukrainian State Forest Management Planning Association Database (by 2017) was analysed for the forest fund of Donetsk, Kharkiv and Sumy RFHMAs using SQL-query and converting it to the *.xls files. We studied the occurrence of such four elm species:
- laevis Pall. (white elm, spreading elm, or fluttering elm) – in Ukrainian “gladky”;
- glabra Huds. (wych elm, scotch elm) – in Ukrainian “shorstky”, or “goly”;
- minor Mill. (field elm) – in Ukrainian “berest”;
- U. pumila (Siberian elm) – introduced Asian elm species – in Ukrainian “dribnolysty”, “nyzkiy”.
The distribution by types of forest site conditions (FSC) was assessed in accordance with the Ukrainian school of forest typology for the entire area covered with forest vegetation, for the subcompartments with the presence of Ulmus sp. in the stand composition and for the subcompartments with Ulmus sp. as the main forest-forming species, using c2-test.
Results and Conclusions
Forests of Donetsk, Kharkiv and Sumy RFHMAs are located in 16, 17 and 16 FSC types, with Ulmus sp. in 14, 13 and 11 FSC types, and with Ulmus sp. as the main forest-forming species in 11, 9 and 8 FSC types, respectively. U. minor is the most common, while U. glabra is the least common species. U. pumila dominates in Donetsk RFHMA and is absent in Sumy RFHMA. U. laevis is most common in Kharkiv RFHMA. U. minor prefers fresh and dry fertile FSC. U. laevis in Donetsk RFHMA prefers dry and fresh fertile FSC types, in Kharkiv RFHMA fresh fertile FSC types, in Sumy RFHMA fresh relatively poor, relatively fertile and fertile FSC types. U. pumila in Donetsk RFHMA prefers dry relatively fertile FSC, in Kharkiv RFHMA fresh fertile FSC, in Sumy RFHMA fresh relatively poor FSC, fresh relatively fertile FSC and moist fresh relatively fertile FSC. U. glabra prevails in moist relatively fertile FSC types, and in Kharkiv RFHMA it is also widely spread in fresh fertile FSC types.
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