Clonal seed orchards (CSOs) are the main and most promising objects of the permanent forest seed base. The prospects of using seed material obtained from CSOs are assessed by testing their seed progenies. During the test, the main attention is paid to the intensity of growth in height and diameter, trunk shape, and health condition of the trees; however, unfortunately, the traits that would directly or indirectly indicate disease resistance are not taken into account.
Heterobasidion annosum s. l. infects pine stands and causes significant wood losses and a decrease in the protective properties of forests. The absence of objective criteria for assessing the degree of resistance of Scots pine to this pathogen prompts the search for markers of tree resistance to this disease. An important role in ensuring the resistance of Scots pine to unfavorable environmental factors, including root rot, can be played by the weight of seeds, the density of needles on shoots, the parameters of the conductive system of needles in the mid-section, the width of layers of latewood, and the intensity of the release of oleoresin from micro-wounds. A comprehensive assessment of CSOs progenies, taking into account the traits that predict the resistance to root rot, will allow the identification of the most promising ones for cultivation in local conditions.
The study aimed to improve the existing integrated approach to the evaluation of Scots pine seed progenies using methods of diagnosing trees for resistance to root rot and selecting the most promising ones in the forest-steppe zone in Kharkiv region.
Materials and Methods
The study was conducted in Scots pine variety tests established in Guty Forestry (Slobozhansky forest office, Kharkiv region, Ukraine), where the CSO progenies from Kharkiv, Kyiv, and Volyn regions grow. The progeny grown from seeds harvested in Guty Foresry were used as a local control (Guty-control) for all of the variants, and those grown from seeds harvested in the state forest enterprises of the corresponding regions were used as regional controls (Kharkiv-control, Kyiv-control, Volyn-control). The height, diameter, straightness of the stems, and health condition of trees in variants were determined.
The prospects of using the seeds of CSO progenies in the local environment of Kharkiv region were assessed using the scale of the comprehensive assessment presented in the variety testing method (total points 5–20) and with the addition of traits of H. annosum s. l. resistance (total number of points 5–45).
A comprehensive assessment of the variants according to the scale of the forest species variety testing method by growth and condition showed that four CSO progenies with a total score of 10–15 points were promising in the study area. The variants 'Kyivskyi-3' and 'Prykhylkivskyi-2' were the best (total score of 15 points). To assess the potential of using seeds from CSOs in areas vulnerable to the risk of root rot infection, we considered additional traits of resistance, namely seed weight, the density of needles on shoots, parameters of the conductive system of needles at the mid-section, width of latewood layers, and intensity of oleoresin release from micro-wounds. The results of the scoring indicate that the best candidates for reforestation in such areas are the varieties from Kharkiv, Kyiv, and Volyn regions.
The use of annosum resistance traits for the integrated assessment of Scots pine allowed the identification of differentiation between variants in terms of resistance to root rot and to identify the most promising ones for cultivation in Kharkiv region. The effectiveness of using these traits as resistance markers requires further confirmation. The results of the comprehensive assessment indicate the feasibility of using seeds from CSO to create sustainable and productive forests in the forest-steppe zone in Kharkiv region.
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