The studied forests subordinated to the State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine are located mainly in the mountainous area. These forests, by analogy with the mountain forests of other territories, require nature conservation-oriented forestry management, taking into account the constant, particularly negative, influence of the mountain environment factors on them. Such orientation can best be ensured by growing uneven-aged stands, which optimally meet mountain conditions.The study aimed to evaluate the possible area of uneven-aged stands in the analyzed forest fund and to examine the prerequisites for their origin, further development, and rational use by the requirements of sustainable development.Materials and Methods
The object of the research was the uneven-aged stands located in overmatured forests in Zakarpattia region, subordinated to the State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine. For the study, data from the State Forest Cadastre and forest management materials (as of 01.01.2011 and 01.01.2021) were used.
Results and Conclusions
As a result of a comprehensive forestry-mensuration analysis of the forest fund of Zakarpattia region subordinated to the State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine, the area of overmatured stands of beech, spruce, and fir was evaluated. They are uneven-aged or can be so, given their age and biological ability to develop uneven-aged stands. These stands cover a significant part: their area is 40.5 thousand ha (7.4%), and their total stock is 15.7 million m3 which is 8.6% of the investigated forest stock.
Prerequisites for the emergence and development of uneven-aged stands in forests with a special use regime, a large part of which are non-commercial forests, are more favorable than in commercial forests (26.2 thousand ha; 9.98 million m3vs. 14.4 thousand ha; 5.7 million m3). In non-commercial forests, there are many times better prerequisites for the appearance and therefore for the further development of uneven-aged stands, in comparison with the commercial forests (32.0 thousand ha; 12.4 million m3vs. 8.5 thousand ha; 3.3 million m3).
In general, free growth and development of the uneven-aged stands is possible on 32.0 thousand hectares of non-commercial forests. In the commercial forests, uneven-aged stands on 8.5 thousand ha have a dubious prospect of their further growth, which is related to the mode of use and exploitation. A possible solution to the problem can be achieved by changing this regime or by implementing the selective felling system.
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