Emerald ash borer Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire, 1888 (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) (EAB) inhabits native ash species in Southeast Asia and the Far East. In the 90s of the 20th century, it penetrated into North America and European Russia and caused the mortality of a large number of trees of the genus Fraxinus L. In 2019, EAB was found in the territory of Ukraine, namely in Luhansk region. The analysis of model trees showed that the colonization took place as early as in 2017. In 2021, the pest was found in Kharkiv region. The development cycle of EAB in different regions is one or two years. Sometimes the population is stratified, and some of the larvae hibernate in younger instars, while other larvae in older ones. EAB can damage different ash species, particularly F. excelsior and F. pennsylvanica.
The danger of EAB spread in the forests increases due to the ash dieback. It has been shown that Fraxinus excelsior is more resistant to EAB colonisation than F. pennsylvanica but is more susceptible to the ash dieback. Trees weakened by the disease become susceptible to colonisation by stem pests, in particular by EAB. Timely detection of EAB foci should be based on knowledge of the features of the biology of the pest in places of penetration, in particular, the timing of adult emergence and tree colonization.
The aim of the research was to reveal the features of EAB adult emergence considering ash species and forest site conditions.
Materials and Methods
The study was carried out in the stands of the Mistkivsky forestry of the Svatove State Forest and Hunting Enterprise in Luhansk Region, where the dynamics of the emergence of emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) from model trees of both common ash (Fraxinus excelsior) and green ash (F. pennsylvanica) was analysed. In particular, common ash trees were selected in dry and fresh fertile forest site conditions. After the registered start of the EAB emergence (June 14, 2021), model trees of both ash species were felled at the sample plots (five trees from each sample plot). After that their logs were brought into the technical room at the territory of the forest enterprise. The logs were examined on a daily basis, at that the D-shaped exit holes were counted and marked with a felt-tip pen.
Results and Conclusions
The first exit holes were found on June 14, and the last ones on July 4 on the trees of both ash species. The dynamics of the emergence of emerald ash borer from the trees of two ash species significantly correlated and had three waves. The correlation coefficients between the proportion of beetles that emerged on different dates from the model trees of common ash and green ash and relative air humidity were not significant. A greater number of beetles emerged from the green ash model trees than from the common ash model trees. In the second half of the observation period, from common ash trees growing in fresh fertile forest site conditions, significantly more beetles emerged from trees in dry fertile forest site conditions (48.7 and 59.0% of the total number of beetles that flew out of these trees).
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